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Physician Testimonials

Dr. Markinson on the importance of SteriShoe as an adjunct when managing foot infections:

Bryan C. Markinson, DPM
Chief, Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City

Dr. Shapiro about his experience with SteriShoe reducing the recurrence of fungal foot infections:

Dr. Andrew Shapiro, DPM


  • "I have been a podiatrist for over 25 years. In April of 2009 our practice implemented the SteriShoe sanitizer as an integral component for our laser treatment of onychomycosis (toenail fungus). The SteriShoe is the part of the treatment protocol to prevent re-infection from contaminated footwear since shoes are considered to be a major cause of reinfection. Our patients like the SteriShoe sanitizer because it is easy to use and it doesn’t use chemicals. I like the SteriShoe sanitizer because it has been an excellent way to continue to grow our practice and provide better care for our patients. We’re delighted and proud to require SteriShoe as part of our treatment protocol for onychomycosis and highly recommend the product. The company continues to further its research and it stands behind its product."
    Mark Spier, DPM
  • "Dear SteriShoe Company, As a 17 year veteran of the podiatric profession, I have had the opportunity to work with many companies and many products. Most of which I have phased out of my practice because of either unsatisfactory products, poor customer service or the product simply did not perform according to patient expectations. Since 2008, it has been my pleasure to work with SteriShoe because you are always over delivering in both quality and customer service. You are accessible and knowledgeable with real credibility. The actual product is easy to use and deadly effective in the shoes. You can almost hear the pathogens scream to their doom. Thank you for being an exemplary company, helping practitioners to help their patients."
    Dr. Todd Zang
  • "I have been using SteriShoe sanitizers in my laser clinic and recommending them to my patients for the past 3 years. They are both safe and effective. My patients find them convenient to use. My patients appreciate not having to use anti-fungal aerosols or powders. Furthermore, Shoe Care Innovations has provided excellent customer service and support. I highly recommend SteriShoes as part of preventative care for onychomycosis.beautiful work, keep it up!"
    Michael A. Uro, DPM
  • “Footwear disinfection is an important but often neglected consideration in the prevention of recurrent foot infections. This is especially important in diabetics and circulation-impaired patients. Shoe Care Innovations has answered the call for reliable disinfection of footwear with the invention and development of the SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer.”
    Bryan C. Markinson, DPM
  • "We are running a successful podiatric practice with multiple locations in the Seattle area. For several years now we have offered the SteriShoe sanitizer to our patients. We have found SteriShoe to be an excellent addition to our practice. Patients find the product easy to use and see value in sanitizing their shoes. SteriShoe has benefitted our practice as a revenue generator and as a technology that has improved patient outcomes."
    Dr. Barlam, DPM